Sunday, September 24, 2006

Frequently Asked Questions

I've received many questions and will answer the most common ones here. If I get any more (by the way I welcome them so send them to I will reply to you and list them on here.

1) How do I contribute funds to the trust? First of all, the trust has not been established, until it is we are not accepting any funds or gifts of shares.

2) How much will a subscription cost? Once the trust is formed, the price of membership will be established. At this moment in time, there is no amount in mind but as the trust is being formed so that every fan can have the opportunity to be part of it, the annual subscription has to be affordable to as many fans as possible. For comparison purposes, Spurs' supporter's trust charges £10 a year or £25 for five years. To me that seems like a fair price but as I say, the price of membership will be established once the trust is formed.

3) How do I go about gifting my City shares to the trust? Well, much the same answer as 1) above. Once the trust is established, it will then be able to accept donations of shareholdings in City.

4) What if I don't want to give the trust my City shares? No problem, the trust will not be formed as a vehicle to try and coax shareholders to transfer their shares to it. The choice is yours and yours alone. If you do not want to gift your shares but would still like the trust to benefit from the rights attributed to your shares (voting rights) then it is more than likely that a mechanism will be put in place so that you can pledge your shares to the trust but still retain the shares in your name.

5) I don't own any shares will this stop me from being a member of the trust? Absolutely not, the aim of the trust is that it will be open to every City fan by way of subscription, gifting or pledging City shares would be a bonus for the trust.


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