Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Danny Pugsley And Iron Pumping Women

First of all, let me apologise for the headline. Whilst it is relevant about this article it is a bit misleading and slightly sensationalistic. Perhaps, having had a quick introduction to the media over the last week some of their style has rubbed off on me! Anyway, I'll explain so stay with me!

On Sunday evening I was reading Danny Pugsley's blog and noticed that on the right hand side of his blog he had a high rating on Blogtopsites. For those who don't know what this is, it is a website that rates the top Blogs by visitors/ pages visits etc. I love reading Danny's blog and thought it worthwhile registering our blog also. As I write this Blogtopsites rates 422 sporting blogs and Danny's is currently ranked 14 and deservedly so.

After registration, I was very surprised to note that we had an immediate ranking of 181 and over the course of the next 24 hours this rose into the top 75. So why have I mentioned Iron Pumping Women, is there something about Danny we need to know? No not all, basically for the last forty eight hours or so our blog has been jostling for position in the 50s with a blog carrying profiles of female bodybuilders and muscular fitness models including photos. All four of us have been having a chuckle as our blog kept swapping places with the Iron Pumping Women until this afternoon when our ranking went up to 37. By the way, you won't catch us posting any pictures of our ugly mugs on here but if you want to take a look at the competition here's their blog details I also see that there is a Maria Sharapova blog 3 places below us, you can find it here

There is actually a serious part to this article by the way! We've had many supporters asking us if we plan on having a website. We are pleased to confirm that we registered & .com about three months ago and that a website is in the pipeline.

Until the website is up and running we will continue to publish articles and information here on this blog. We will also continue to send out our newsletter every week or two and have no plans to stop this. You can subscribe by sending an e-mail to

The reason why we set up a blog was simple. It is a quick and easy way to publish articles and information however, we always knew that this would be a stop gap ahead of a website. Blogs are definitely on the rise and some recent research has been published which may interest you:-

1) Approximately 10% of the UK population read blogs
2) There are over 50 million blogs worldwide
3) Approximately 175,000 blogs are created each day worldwide
4) Approximately 1.6m blog postings a day are made worldwide

Best wishes



At 1:03 am, Blogger Danny Pugsley said...

I was ready to call in my lawyers when I first caught this headline!


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